Frequently asked questions
How is the price of The Sandbox (SAND) determined?
The price of The Sandbox (SAND) is determined by supply and demand forces in the market. When more people are buying SAND than selling, the price will increase, and when more people are selling than buying, the price will decrease. Additionally, the overall performance of the cryptocurrency market can also have an impact on the price of SAND.
How much does The Sandbox (SAND) cost to buy?
The cost of SAND can vary depending on the current market conditions. You can check the current price of SAND on cryptocurrency exchanges such as BTC Markets.
Can you convert The Sandbox (SAND) to cash?
Yes, you can convert SAND to cash by selling it on a cryptocurrency exchange like BTC Markets. Once you have sold your SAND, you can then withdraw the funds to your bank account.
How did The Sandbox (SAND) begin?
The Sandbox (SAND) began as the native cryptocurrency of the Sandbox, a decentralised virtual gaming platform. The Sandbox launched its initial coin offering (ICO) in 2020, raising funds to develop the platform and its ecosystem. Since then, SAND has been used as a means of exchange and a governance token within the Sandbox ecosystem.
How much of The Sandbox (SAND) can I buy?
BTC Market does not place a cap on the amount of Sandbox (SAND) you can buy. You may start from $15 and go onwards to buy up to $150,000 or more per day.
Can I buy The Sandbox (SAND) with a debit card?
You can buy Sandbox (SAND) with instant OSKO payments and individual BSB and account numbers.
What is the maximum supply of The Sandbox?
The maximum supply of The Sandbox is 3 billion SAND tokens.